Hello mates, somehow perhaps I've been writing constantly every months on my blog therefore when I missed it I feel something that just not right. Since I told you guys in my previous blog that in my upcoming post I'll write about my new job and be hold... I just got my new job and I can't wait to write more about it.
As what I've written that I'm anxious and somehow desperate that I haven't gotten a job, thus I just feel like I'm fail. I just know that God is really good and I believe since I'm don't give up I will get a job and yes.. after two weeks hectically finding job and interview, I get a job in Unithree as Content Writer. This is a creative agency headquartered in Jakarta, and I write for several big brands like KFC Indonesia, Holland Village Jakarta which part of Lippo and et cetera. Personally, those are huge!
Well although I really want to work in media company but I realized that now my skill not that advance, yet. Thus, it's totally fine starting from creative agency and what matters is I'm happy.
Thing getting better since I join broadcaster class every Saturday. I meet lots of people in class and all of them are hilarious and friendly in the same time! So far I learn a lot and met people who is expertise in their area from TV as well as Radio.
I've ever mentioned that I have two dream jobs which are writer and radio broadcaster.
Now I've achieved one of my dream job which is writer. Hopefully by now I'm working hard joining class, in future I can work at media company and become your favorite radio broadcaster!
So do you ever think of what is your dream job?
and do you work hard from it or just keep it as hobby?
If I can say I used to keep my dream job as hobby because of several issues, but hey now I do something I like as my job and I couldn't say what makes me happier than this. Looking forward to chase my bigger dream job which is radio broadcaster. I really recommend you to try chasing your dream job, and trust me you will feel like the happiest person in this beautiful world.
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